A Weekend in PJ...
The last time I stayed over at my grandparents' place was when my parents went to India. Hahah! Put over a night in their house last night. Why did I stay over in my grandparents' place? Well, I played drums for PJ. Why you ask me? It's not a rally or youth (for PJ, UTH), but just for their normal main service because their usuall drummers ain't free. So yeah, I took this oppurtunity to just glorify the Lord's name and yes, serving with the PJ team was a new experience. It thought me a lot. Firstly, timing MUST be good! Haha! Even the slightest change, they'll just look at you. HAha! Well, timing has always been the number 1 priority for all drummers but this time was, wrong timing, you get stares from the team. Haha! Secondly, they are funky people. The PJ team is not like Klang. We're always with the new and always following the new trend/style of music all the time. But in PJ, they're like, funky people. Haha! And yes, they play old songs (not all the time I think), and they're funky. Haha! Thirdly, they don't show hand signals that much in PJ. Hahah! So yeah, gotta follow the groove and also what the Spirit wants. So yeah, this is a very good experience. Thank God! Played on Saturday evening and today morning. So yeah, 3 sessions. 1 session yesterday, 2 sessions today morning. Then after the session yesterday, stayed back for an Oikos Event the UTH organised. It's a Valentine's Day thingy. And yeah, full of food and great band performed. I felt like an alien but yeah, it's awesome attending these type of events. HAha! Awesome stuff, UTH. Continue to glorify HIS name. Don't let the temporary lag of your members discourage you, instead, pumped them up and fuel them up with the PAssion of praising the Lord's name! Amen! Glory to God, and God be with you guys all the time!
The drumset. Yamaha Custom something Maple something. Haha! Awesome drumset. There're like 6 toms. Wow.. Haha!
The UTH logo on their hall's wall! Wow!!! HAha! Hope YE does something like that!
The UTH logo made of candles in their Valentine's Day Oikos event.
The table setting.
The milk I drank this morning before I left to church. The maid added sugar. Dammit, dam sweet. Haha!
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