Camp Metamorphosis II - First Day
Woohoo! Was excited before I went for camp, and still excited eventhough camp's over.. Haha!
On the first day, woke up at 6:30AM and reached church at 7:30AM to help Jeremy Ng load the drums stuff and other equipments. I think we left church at around, 8:30AM if I'm not mistaken. Wait, 9:00AM I think.. Haha! Forgot. Anyways, the journey was kinda long. Bernie said we were taking a longer route.. HAha! He showing off his geography skills lerr. Haha! The trip there was, kinda boring to me. Didn't sleep at all (eventhough I slept like 3:00AM the night before), wanted to stay active and alert - Bad Idea.. Haha! Anyways, the place is called N.U.B.E. (not NUDE). It's actually a training centre for bankers. It seems that the place was recently opened to the public, that's why we got the place in a short time. Don't have the place in my camera but I think I caught some footage of the place with the video camera. Jeremy Ng reached the place before we did. All the equipments were out from the van and ready to be arranged in the hall. The hall was awesome. Really nice place. Very cozy too. While we were setting up the equipment, the rest of the participants/campers were at the badminton hall next to our hall for ice breaker. After the ice were broken, I distributed the T-Shirts to all the group leaders. Guess what? I didn't get mine eventhough I remembered taking a size L T-Shirt for myself and passing it to my group leader, Adrian Yap. Thank God that Kenneth Gan is a thin guy, I changed my size M T-Shirt (out of L) with him. Wheee.. Haha! After that, went for lunch, guess what? No more food.. Haha! Those big eaters! Haha! Then we had telematch and stuff. Thank God I was taking footage.. They did some disgusting stunts.. Haha! Anyways, everybody was all tired and went back for a short break then to dinner. I had Praise and Worship Practice and by the time we were done, the food was also finished! Haha! What a day man, not enough of food! Hmph! Haha! First night Praise and Worship session was lead by Zlwin. It was good Praise and Worship session. And the sermon was awesome! Ps. Andy Yeoh (from Altered Frequency) is our camp speaker. And yeah, he rocked on the first night (in every session actually). After that, we had supper and back to my room. Kenneth and I slept in a chalet(sp?) with Andy and his friend, Joel Vijay. We shared the place. They took one room and we took the other. We edited some footages for our first Meta News. I took some footage for the banker, Marcus Tay. Han Ern was in my room to plan some Amazing Race stuff.. Well, not plan, to have a quiet place for him to focus. But in the end, it wasn't as quiet as he was expecting. He was also supposed to be the anchorman for Meta News. But guess what? After editing the clips on the computer, he fell asleep, ON MY BED! I tried waking him up but, it didn't work.. So, I not only let him sleep on my bed (I shared a single bed with Kenneth, pity him.. Haha!), but I took his duty as the anchorman.. Haha! Got some stupid ideas and all.. Will post all them news on the internet as soon as Kenneth passes me the footages! Hahah! Slept at around 4:30AM to 4:40AM.. Sleepy...
Some pictures of the first day:
This is what I took to camp (an updated picture of the other).
Registration Counter.
Putting some stuff into the van.
In the YE bus.
The hall.

The awesome backdrop by Ivan Tan! Thanks a lot, bud!
The Colour Groups doing their yell and song with their mascots.
Some activities during Telematch.
First night on drums.. With Reinchez's fro.. Haha!
Ps. Andy. He moves a lot. Must get an Anti Shake camera soon! Haha!
This is Ps. Andy's assistant, Joel Vijay. My room mate also. Very friendly!
The congregation. PArt of it.. HAha!
Salvation and Rededication call. Yes, on the first night itself, ladies and gentlemen!
Video editing right after I painted my fingernails black again. Asked Kenneth to take this for my Moral project.
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