اعْزِفُوا أَمْهَرَ عَزْفٍ مَعَ الْهُتَافِ، رَنِّمُوا لَهُ تَرْنِيمَةً جَدِيدَةً. (Arabic Life Application Bible) - Sing to him a new song; play skillfully, and shout for joy. (NIV) PSALMS 33.3

Friday, July 27, 2007


I thought you would like to know about this urgent campaign to free the remaining South Korean aid workers who have been taken hostage by Taliban fighters in Afghanistan. The Taliban have already executed 1 hostage and are threatening to execute the rest this week, an action that could trigger a mass evacuation of life-giving humanitarian aid from all of Afghanistan.

The situation is desperate, but there is hope. The Taliban are all from the 'Pashtun' ethnic group, and observe a strict code called Pashtunwali. This code demands, above all else: "hospitality to all, especially guests and strangers". There are rumours of infighting among the Taliban over these kidnappings, because they clearly violate the code.

A global outcry for the Taliban to follow their own code would certainly be covered by media in Afghanistan and Pakistan where the Taliban are based – creating massive local pressure on them to free their prisoners. But these hostages are living under a 24 hour death sentence. We have seconds not minutes to act. Sign the petition below and then forward this email:


Before you read my post below, just sign the petition first.

Alright, now my two cents. I was just wondering, why is it, that I only recieve this petitions and text messages about these Koreans? The petition is to save them physically, and the text message I recieved was to pray for them hostages, to help them spiritually. Seriously, I was worried and I was sorry for them hostages and I prayed for them to be freed as soon as possible.

I read a scripture in the book of Acts, forgot what chapter, but it was about Peter having a vision of a big white sheet coming down from the heavens. And on that sheet was four-legged animals, reptiles, birds and other animals. God told Peter to kill them and eat them. But Peter said that he will not do so because the animals are unclean animals. God replied that, whatever has been made clean by Him, should not be called unclean. The context rounds up that the Good News that Jesus Christ came to share with the people on earth, was not only meant for the Jews, but also the Gentiles - that's you and me.

That particular text/scripture, made me ponder about this question: Why pray for these Christian Korean hostages only? What about the other hostages that were abducted and killed? We weren't that worried about them.

I learned that Christ came down to earth to die for EVERYBODY, not for the Jews... Similar as our prayers.... It's not only for yourself or for Christians, but for EVERYBODY!

So yeah, the next time somebody gets abducted by the Taliban (I hope not), lets just pray for them. Lets forget about their races and skin colours and religion.... Lets pray that everybody is save from the clutches of the Taliban...

God bless. Sorry if I offended anybody..


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