اعْزِفُوا أَمْهَرَ عَزْفٍ مَعَ الْهُتَافِ، رَنِّمُوا لَهُ تَرْنِيمَةً جَدِيدَةً. (Arabic Life Application Bible) - Sing to him a new song; play skillfully, and shout for joy. (NIV) PSALMS 33.3

Sunday, July 08, 2007

ISCF Rally 2007 - Aftershock

HAha! I'm feeling, kinda bored now after the rally. No more looking forward for committee meetings, no more looking forward for Praise and Worship practices, no more looking forward for shooting videos, no more looking forward for skit practices.... Wow.. It's kinda bored.. But life goes on.

Yesterday was awesome. Went to Hin Hua hall at 2:30PM, wait, earlier I think. We started our prayer meeting and continued with our prayer walk around 2:45PM till 3:20PM I think. I watched the dancers rehears and dam they are good. Haha. The skit practice was alright. The Praise and Worship practice was fun (can't believe it that the worship practice was fun, last year dam scary... HAhah!). After that, the styling, makeup-ing started. I can't believed it how people would spend so much time on makeup.. Muahah! I got myself some makeup also =). Muahaha! I got eyeliners.. Yeap.. Love it.. Thanks Rachel, I repay your gratitude by giving Joshy as a present to you. Muahahah! Joshy looked like a pimp in his orange hair... Why on earth he wanna spray it all orange?! Haha! After dressing up and making up and styling up and whatever... We waited for awhile. Then the emcees appeared on the screen at around 8:00PM... I can say, that Amy and Brian Chow are the most creative emcees of the ISCF Rally. Haha.. Coming up with weird ideas, transitions were awesome... Keep it up guys. Glory to God. After the opening with my uber lousy video... The dance team went up. They did an awesome job... But I don't know why they still say they did badly... Hahah.. Right after the dance was Praise and Worship... Woohoo! Thanks God the light was shinning at our faces, we couldn't see the crowd at all! Hahaha! That boost my confidence.. Couldn't see anybody jumping also... It was all awesome. God's name was glorified. Then we had the skit and, not sure whether people knew that the transition from Brian to BErnie was part of the skit or not. Hahah. The skit went smoothly. People's comments were good, only thing that Mr. Bernie dragged to long. But it was all good. Glory to God!

Crowd started to leave right after the praise and worship and skit timeline. It was kinda ummm, disrespectful for them to leave like that. Least make a quiet exit or something. Very noisy. But one thing though, I rather have a crowd, who came to rally expecting something, than a crowd, just coming for the sake of finding a partner... And I'm really happy that the people that decided to accept the Lord as their Personal Saviour, are serious about it. Not like last time.. They went up to the altar call, just for fun 0.o... HAhaha... Ps. Gurmit Singh's message was awesome. But the sound system was... Bad... Sorry to say that... I thought i was too loud... I saw my friend - Seng Aun got saved and I was like... screaming from the stage during altar call. Awesome sight to see and remember. The crowd was passive this year though.. No "we-want-more" taunts... Hahah.. Thought can have fun for the last time but it just ended... With only one encore song.. Hahah! NEver mind, as long as God's name has been glorified and the seed has been planted in people's heart, I'm happy.

For those who missed it, you not only missed out on all the fun and uber awesome performances, but you missed out on God's touch. The main purpose of this rally we're having every year is for all YOU NON-BELIEVERS, for those who are lost in their lives... Don't always think about next year, think about today, this year... The world can end any moment... You can die even now... Make a decision, today... This is why the rally is here every year... To give a HOPE and a FUTURE to everybody to recieve His touch. Amen.

Pictures? I don't got pictures. Didn't take any this year... I took some pictures of me in eyeliners though. Dam I look like a girl >.< Hahah!

Dam.. Is this what you call cam whoring? If yes, then I'm getting better.. HAHAHA!

Will rip some pictures from some people... "Camerawomen" of last year's rally who produced plenty was in the choir this year.. So pictures are put on hold.. Haha!


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