اعْزِفُوا أَمْهَرَ عَزْفٍ مَعَ الْهُتَافِ، رَنِّمُوا لَهُ تَرْنِيمَةً جَدِيدَةً. (Arabic Life Application Bible) - Sing to him a new song; play skillfully, and shout for joy. (NIV) PSALMS 33.3

Sunday, May 27, 2007

Finally..... Yes... Finally...

Finally, the first direction/word given from God through a speaker from Korea (I think) to me today during service in the morning. The speaker was praying for all the kids and youths for a clear direction from God on what we're supposed to focus on for our future - our ambition, which was right for us. Then after that he wanted to pray for youths you were facing problems and were unable to focus properly in any area in their life. So yeah, I went up because I've been experiencing that a lot these days. I have too much worries. And I was just sharing to Joel about how I can't focus properly when I'm playing the drums last night. So yeah, I went up. The pastor prophesied first about Brian Chow and what the pastor said about him was true. Don't know the first part of it though. Anyways, he came to me and asked me to raise my hands and yeah I did.. Then he touched my head and said that I'm a genius (I don't know in which area and I'm not gonna make fun of this statement because it's from God, not from me or other people) but I'm unavailable to build on that specific talent that I have because I'm focusing on many things. And I was told to focus on one thing - One specific thing. Sigh. It's all true... I was kinda laughing when the pastor said all of those stuff.. Not because it was funny or to make the situation funny or anything, but yeah, I was just so awed about how God works in people's life.. And thank God that I finally can hear His word, it might not be a direct communication but still I thank God for using the pastor to share His words to me. So now I know where my flaw is... It's focusing on too many things. And yes, I agree with that. I tend to do a lot of things at one time because I love the jobs. Especially playing the drums and editing videos. I can handle both but I'm not achieving anything in both of this field because I don't focus on one specific field to succeed in. And I also tend to help my friends a lot. Especially Kenneth because I don't want him to be stressed but too bad, now I'm getting them stress. Haha! But it's all for a good cost. And now I'll be praying for that one specific direction from God so His will can be manifested in me. To God be the Glory!


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