Second Test...
God gave us, the STAR CF, ou second test this year. First test was that we were forced to use the canteen again for our meetings. And the second test, was that our Treasure Hunt, was forced to change the location and the time. Why? Tomorrow's our PIBG meeting and the VIP for tomorrow came to school after the morning session ended. The teachers were gonna take him for a tour around school and all. So we were forced to either postponed/cancel the treasure hunt, or just have it some where else. Guess when I got the message? Two to three hours before school ended/CF stared. I panicked also but kept cool most of the time. So yeah, we thought of having it in La Salle. We started calling (we used Emily's phone =P) few La Sallians.. And finally we got through and ask that person (Jason I think.. sp?)to pass the phone to Han Ern. So yeah, he said he'll talk to his teacher and everything was alright. So after school, we needed to break the bad news to the people who wanted to come that we were going to La Salle. Most of them changed their minds and some went home and stuff. Sad to see them not joining us. Some followed us to La Salle and guess what? They left before the Treasure Hunt. Only few STAR CF-ers stayed back for the activity with La Salle. To me, everything went well and God was really with us. He helped all of us committees.
Now for a much more heavier test tomorrow. We're gonna propose that our school finally forms a CF! An official one. Yes people... Tomorrow during the PIBG meeting, Bernie's dad gonna speak first, then follow up by my dad. Please pray that they will consider and finally approve our proposal to form a CF in my school! Please DO pray guys! FAITH!!! Amen.. Glory to Lord. Let all Glory go to HIM only. I humble myself O'Lord so that You may be glorified. I humble myself so that You can work through me. Glory to you.. You made me for one reason, that is to worship You. Amen.. Glory to God..
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