Will Be Away
Will be away for three days... Not looking forward for camp but yeah, I hope I'll enjoy it... God bless...
اعْزِفُوا أَمْهَرَ عَزْفٍ مَعَ الْهُتَافِ، رَنِّمُوا لَهُ تَرْنِيمَةً جَدِيدَةً. (Arabic Life Application Bible) - Sing to him a new song; play skillfully, and shout for joy. (NIV) PSALMS 33.3
Will be away for three days... Not looking forward for camp but yeah, I hope I'll enjoy it... God bless...
Yeap STUDY!... Gonna take my drums down for RR camp. Haha.. Gone case.. Don't feel like going anyways.. Thanks to de-motivators.....
Thanks Kenneth! Muaks! hahaha! All I did was direct, and edit a bit. Kenneth did most of the editing. Idea and concept by Jeremy Teo. Thanks eventhough it didn't turn up exactly like how you want it..
Woohoo! I just love creating videos.. Yeap.. For those who wanna complain and demotivate me, go ahead.. I will NOT listen to your demotivation anymore. And yes, thank God for Kenneth Gan who has and will be helping me up in the videos (see, I'm trying to get videos out of my mind so I can focus on ONE thing at a TIME) and he has done a great job on the first promotion video for the ISCF Rally. Love it! God bless him and Glory to God!
Finally, the first direction/word given from God through a speaker from Korea (I think) to me today during service in the morning. The speaker was praying for all the kids and youths for a clear direction from God on what we're supposed to focus on for our future - our ambition, which was right for us. Then after that he wanted to pray for youths you were facing problems and were unable to focus properly in any area in their life. So yeah, I went up because I've been experiencing that a lot these days. I have too much worries. And I was just sharing to Joel about how I can't focus properly when I'm playing the drums last night. So yeah, I went up. The pastor prophesied first about Brian Chow and what the pastor said about him was true. Don't know the first part of it though. Anyways, he came to me and asked me to raise my hands and yeah I did.. Then he touched my head and said that I'm a genius (I don't know in which area and I'm not gonna make fun of this statement because it's from God, not from me or other people) but I'm unavailable to build on that specific talent that I have because I'm focusing on many things. And I was told to focus on one thing - One specific thing. Sigh. It's all true... I was kinda laughing when the pastor said all of those stuff.. Not because it was funny or to make the situation funny or anything, but yeah, I was just so awed about how God works in people's life.. And thank God that I finally can hear His word, it might not be a direct communication but still I thank God for using the pastor to share His words to me. So now I know where my flaw is... It's focusing on too many things. And yes, I agree with that. I tend to do a lot of things at one time because I love the jobs. Especially playing the drums and editing videos. I can handle both but I'm not achieving anything in both of this field because I don't focus on one specific field to succeed in. And I also tend to help my friends a lot. Especially Kenneth because I don't want him to be stressed but too bad, now I'm getting them stress. Haha! But it's all for a good cost. And now I'll be praying for that one specific direction from God so His will can be manifested in me. To God be the Glory!
Wheee... Not bad.. I kinda like the show.. Haha! I like the black spidey suit.. So shiok.. Wanna get one.. Haha! I'm in the mood for studying.. And yes, I'm doing that! Haha! Nothing to post about...
Yeap, still studying eventhough exams are over.. Too bad SPM's not... So yeap, still studying like a hardworking donkey... Wait, donkey's aren't hardworking at all.. HAHA!
Yeap... My left hand still hurts. It kept me up the whole night.... Arrr! The shoulder joint, the elbow and the wrist hurts a lot! Don't know what I did... Sigh.. Well, it got a bit better this morning when I woke up... And eventhough it still hurts, it didn't stop me from practicing my drums. Haha! Yeap, I did some rolls that I didn't know I can do 0.o.. Weird! Hahah! I practiced again just now at eight I think. I prefer the afternoon session... You know what's very bad? My timing and my creativity.. Sigh.. Need to work on them... Everything for You my God!
Alright, Mid Terms are finally over. But too bad, SPM's not, so I'm still gonna continue studying. Started my Bible Knowledge revision today. Gonna try to finish the book of Luke in three weeks if that's possible. It's a long book. Haha! Anyways, Biology III and Add MAths II killed me.. Ish! Now I know where I stand, and I'm sure I'm not standing high up... Haha! Well, these exams are to evaluate where I stand and I didn't do well so yeah, need to strive for the best...
STUDY!!! And EXERCISE! YEap.... I'm including exercising into my time table. I really need it. Remember my previous posts on me being too fat and stuff. I think it's affecting my health as well. I know the consequences for eating too much and yeap, I think I'm finally FEELING them. I'm feeling some aches at my chest area... So I hope that you guys can help me out but praying a simple prayer for my health. I too will keep praying for myself but the most important thing is that, I will EXERCISE! Yeap.. Gonna start later. Haha! Gonna start cutting down on my food and doing some sit ups again. Will start jogging again after my mid terms. Hmmmm.
Bye Bye Slipknot... Bye Bye Metallica.... Why goodbye? Because I can do better than them.. What am I meaning? I can do something better than them... I can perform better than them... How? Because I'm doing it for God... And I'm performing for God.. Not for my own glory. I wanna make ALL these bands obsolete and start something new... Yeap.. Praise and Worship... In radiowaves.. in the FMs in this world... I wanna start a metal rock Christian Praise and Worship band... I have the passion..... I'm ready... but not sure if God's ready to approve this thing... Gonna pray.. Gonna ask for guidance.. I love music, because of it's main purpose - Praise and Worship for God... I might get aggressive during Praise and Worship sometimes but yeap, I love... I'm aggressive for God in a good way... I'm radical in music for God... Yes, the talents He has given me, I shall use it for Him... I declare this in the name of Jesus and everyone who reads this as witnesses... Thank God for music... Thank God for the talents He has given to me.. Thank God for His GRACe.. Amen...
Don't wanna talk about exams... Because I'm gonna flunk all of them papers.. Anyways, I can't believe it that I actually shared for the first time in CF today! Hahaha! Just can't believed I shared a short message to them members! I spoke about Friends... Just something that came up in my mind when I was cracking my head during Bio 2 paper today. Haha! Well, thank God for giving me the boldness to share. I get stage fright or something like that when I'm doing something formal and serious under the lime light.. HAhah! Don't blame me.. It's just me.. And if you don't believe me, you should see how I hold the mic and how I talk when I'm testifying.. HAHAH! Well, Glory to GOD! Gonna change my attitude.. gonna change! MUST CHANGE! Gonna continue studying after the exams. Gonna start doing devotion again. Gonna tithe my time for God... But I'm not gonna play for Youth.. Hahaha! Practices consume a lot of time.. But I'm playing for Youth Sundays.. Wheee! Haha! And guess who's my bassist? Joel! HAHAHA! Muahahahahha!
See those advertisements? It would be kind of you to click it once everyday. Yeap, just once everyday. Sorry to annoy you guys with the advertisements, but it looks nice.. Haha! So just click it ONCE A DAY. Please, Thanks and Sorry! God bless!
Life's getting more boring everyday because of exams... I'm posting this just for the sake of updating this lack of hits blog... HAha! Nothing to post about though.. Just can't wait for CF tomorrow... wheee!
I suck in physics.. I need to start studying Physics after my Mid Term. Means, Bible Knowledge first priority, then Salts and Acid and Bases second priority, then Physics will be my third priority. Need to continue studying even though my exams are gonna end next Tuesday.. Gonna push... It's gonna be worthied! Amen!
Alright.. Exams sucks.. I'm under achieving... My worst year ever.... But I've planned out my study scheme already.. Not gonna stop constant studies till SPM's over... Yeap! That's right people! Gonna be a nerd... Or whatever you call people who study like mad studying cows.. Haha! Gonna get back to Physics now.. Ish! Haha!
Yeap, she's happy today... Hahah! Just wanna dedicate this post to my mommy.. She's a great woman.. Of course she is.. Taking care of me... I'm a difficult big baby to take care of.. Haha! I was and still a fat big baby.. Haha! Pity her, need to carry me in her womb for 9 months.. Haha! Well, I think it was worth while eh? HAha! Well.. God bless her and yes, always give her the health that she needs all the time. Thank God for a God fearing mum.. My mummy's an awesome mummy! I wub her!
Random video after frustration due to lack on concentration on studies.
Jonathan Chandrasakaran's Aliases |
![]() Your movie star name: Chocolates Kanniah Your fashion designer name is Jonathan Paris Your socialite name is Cacing MAn New York City Your fly girl / guy name is J Cha Your detective name is Dogs STAR Your barfly name is Chicken None Your soap opera name is Klang Jaya Your rock star name is Hacks Light Your Star Wars name is Jonspo Chaame Your punk rock band name is The Happy Dildo |
Exams are killing me... Well, it's for my own good.. That way, I can evaluate myself before SPM.. And learn from my freaking mistakes.. Haha.. First lesson learned (again), never study last minute. That's why, after mid terms, I'm still gonna study like how I'm studying now, but leaving more time for devotion and drums till freaking SPM is over! Woohoo! Hope by studying constantly I can remember everything I'm studying... Which is another problem.. I have kinda like a short term memory lost.. HAha.. Seriously.. I forget very easily..
I want a Slipknot jump suit.. Gonna make a mask for my own after my mid terms.... A mask made not because of anger or hate..
Ever since I've started editing videos, I've stopped maintaning websites, no more forum administrating, no more wild ideas. I missed those times. Even now Selangor #1's website need not be maintained because thanks to someone, (not sure who, but I think it's Larry) a blog is made for RR Sel#1.. Anyways, kinda bored to maintain that website, I don't get anything to UPDATE the website anyways... So yeah, hope LArry or whoever who made the blog, will use some scripts from the webhoster, there are nice blog softwares on the webhoster..
Yeah people, I reorganised my workspace for computer and my room's stuff. Now my computer table can handle all them equpiment... Wooho.. Don't need to bend here and there to do stuff. Wheee.. Haha! My room looks cleaner than last time.. Bet's the new cupboard.. Haha! PArents can't tahan my room dam dirty all.. HAha! Nothing interesting in my life these days.. Only studying... Need to study more.. Haha! God bless you guys!
Oh man.. My hobby now: To study.. HAha! Well, constant studies will help me in my exams.. And that's what I'm doing.. Ish! I need to study! Sorry for not updating my blog. And yeah, I will not do so often for the next 3 weeks. Mid Terms.. Sorry guys! Nothing much to talk about except studies.. Haha! Watch this video: